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​Bonding or Beneficial: Is Reading With Your Baby Worthwhile?

It is a common misconception that reading with an infant (or any child who has yet to learn to read) is nothing more than a way to bond. According to NY Metro Parents, experts have confirmed that reading with your child offers him/her so much more than an opportunity to bond with his/her parent. In fact, here are some of the proven benefits your child will reap by you taking the time to read with him/her.

1. It Does Provide an Incredible Bonding Experience

For starters, reading with your child does provide an incredible bonding experience. It is a one-on-one intimate activity that you and your child share together. It is something you can easily work into your child's daily routine. In time, your child will come to look forward to the time he/she gets to sit down with you and enjoy a book each day.

2. It Gives Children a Chance to Hear Less Common Words

Most people have a limited vocabulary. This has nothing to do with your intelligence level, you just develop a certain way you prefer to speak. If you were to record yourself speaking for a few days and then listen to the recording, you would hear a number of words and phrases you tend to use a lot more than anything else. By reading books, your will expose your child to words you may not use in every day conversation. It doesn't necessarily mean the words are complicated, just that you have no reason to use them on a daily basis.

3. It Prepares Your Baby For Reading On His/Her Own

At this moment in time, your child may or may not understand every word you are saying as you read him/her a book. Your child will, however, pick up on the tone changes and rhythm of you reading the books. You are building a strong bond between your child and books. This bond will make it easier for your child to enjoy reading books when he/she is old enough to do so on his/her own.

4. It Boosts Your Child's Brain Power

Statistics show that reading to a child at a young age is going to make it easier for him/her to do all sorts of things when he/she is of school age. Children over the age of three who were read to as a baby tend to have stronger verbal skills than children who were not read to as a baby.

If you think your child is too young to benefit from reading a book with you, think again. It is never too early for you to introduce your children to books. If you are a busy parent who is already stretched for time, just make reading a story part of the bedtime routine. After all, what is more relaxing than curling up and enjoying a nice book before you go to bed? When your children get older, they may even hold on to the hobby and use reading as a way to prepare for bed for the rest of their lives. 

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